# 키프레임과 애니메이션
CSS 의 keyframes 와 animation 기능을 지원합니다.
아래 동영상을 한번 봐주세요.
# Keyframes
Record changes in attributes for specific intervals.
The interval is designated as offset and the property value changing at each offset can be defined.
Individually changing properties are not visible on the screen, providing a simple editor that you can edit yourself.
# Animations
After setting the keyframe, set the Animation to use it.
- name: none
- duration: 0s
- timing-function: ease
- delay: 0s
- iteration-count: 1
- direction: normal
- fill-mode: none
- play-state: running
name contains the name specified in the keyframe and timing is edited with the cubic-bezier editor.
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