# Adding Layers

Let's add a Layer.

There are icons for the Layer that can be added to the Object Toolbar on the left side of the ElementView.

Layer Key
Rect 1
Circle 2
Text 3
Image 4
Cube 5
SVG Rect 6
Path 7
Polygon 8
Star 9

Individual Layer objects all correspond to one numeric key. You can easily add it with the numeric keys while the ElementView has the focus.

# Drag to add

Rect, Circle, Text, Image, Cube can be added to the desired size by clicking and dragging to the desired place.


In case of Image, the file selection dialog will appear after dragging. If an image is selected, it is added to the dragged area.

The original width and height can be found in the Inspector.

# Providing individual editors

Path, Polygon, and Star all have their own editing tools.

Clicking on the icon changes the shape of the cursor and allows you to draw directly on the screen.

Then you can finish drawing with Esc or Enter.

Details can be found in Vector Tool.

Last Updated: 2020. 5. 21. 오전 12:42:00